
Showing posts from July, 2019

Enjoy hiking with kids is possible?

Before kids, hiking was one of our favourite activities when we traveled. We’d have adventures climbing mountains as high as 4,000 metres and we’d spend days hiking many forest trails. It was bliss. Despite the physical challenges, it was always one of the most relaxing and memorable things we’d do. We now have a two page list of places we’ll return to when our kids are older and we can hike again at a proper pace, instead of the pace of a three year old. I just hope by then the knees aren’t made of metal. Of course we haven’t given up hiking because we travel with kids. We still do it as much as possible and love taking Kalyra and Savannah along, we just do it in a different manner than when it was just us. The girls often surprise us with just how far they can actually walk. Their strength and stamina for hiking trails has definitely improved since we first set out on our Australian road trip last October, and most of the time our kids really enjoy it. I know you may really want to ...

Spring time hiking tips

Spring hiking evokes images of delicate woodland trillium, gushing waterfalls and hikers trying to locate the most compelling destination that isn't socked in with snow. It's a time of giddy anticipation as we eagerly make plans to visit our favorite trails. And for many folks who have huddled inside all winter, it's also a time to get their "trail brain" on again. It's easy to forget some of the basic items you need in your pack as you plan your first trip into the mountains. Or to push too far or stay too long for the conditions. That's why WTA has put together these tips for spring hiking. Whether it is your first time hiking or your 1,000th, it's always wise to refresh your memory about these important safety issues before heading out. Thinking of doing a little spring snowshoeing? Check out our late winter and avalanche safety tips before heading out. Relatede Articles : Be Prepared Many hikers will admit that they som...